Thursday, 5 March 2015


Scoop it is a free web based tool that allows you to bring together a collection of articles, blogs and materials about a topic of your choice in a  magazine format. You can collect a wide range of resources before starting any research. Scoop it assists libraries to discover, manage and publish content visibly online. 

Uses of Scoop it in libraries :
  • Scoop it allows libraries to select, present, maintain and collect digital information in one place.
  • The structure of scoop it allows the library to group items together into a meaningful collection. It a great way for libraries to assist in locating resources and information with minimal effort.
  • Its a way libraries of creating library pathfinders to assist to find and share resources quickly and easily.
  • It gives library an attractive service.
  • Collect resources at a variety of reading levels on a particular topic or area of study.
  • Scoop it pulls together groups of related websites to share with others or to keep in ready reference.

Scoop it is a great social media channel that is easy to navigate in  assisting libraries to capture, organize and distribute vast amount of information quickly.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015


Facebook is a social network site that allows users to create a profile page. Once created  users can post photos, link to websites, and post information about what they are doing at a given moment.

Libraries use Facebook primarily to promote library events, as a marketing tool and to create library awareness.

Uses of Facebook in a library:
  • Library news and events - Updating patrons and users about what is happening in the library
  • New additions to the library collection - Informing patrons about new releases.
  • Links. -Web content may assist patrons and provide patrons with access to library's website.
  • Community information - Inform patrons about events happening in the community.
  • Solicits feedback - Provides an opportunity to have conversation with patrons.
  • Able to respond to users - Address patrons concerns/questions.
  • Marketing - show off the library's displays, books and surroundings to make library more inviting.
 Platforms such as Facebook are a useful tools that provides an insight into there patrons needs which will assist with the library to understand their patrons better.


Twitter is a free social network and communication tool that lets you send short messages of up to 140 characters to groups of friends via The Twitter website. Twitter allows users to provide and receive instant updates from their followers. Libraries are using Twitter in a way to connect with patrons and other library professionals.

Libraries can use Twitter for a variety of purposes:
  • Libraries can use it to listen to what their users are thinking about the library.
  • Libraries can use Twitter to make connections to people and organizations within their community.
  • Libraries use Twitter to promote their programs and services.
  • Build conversations with patrons and users.
  • Gives patrons a way of asking questions about specific materials.
  • Send  alerts about requesting materials
  • Update patrons on new tools and applications that are being used in the library.
  • Use Twitter to point out highlights on the library opening hours

Twitter gives libraries  an opportunity to engage readers and share information quickly not just with patrons but also people outside the library who are interested in a variety topics.


Pinterest is an image bookmarking social media website. Users can create and store images on a  pin board and display images form web pages. It allows you to  pin images that you find  on the net into your own image wall. To create and mange a theme based photo collection.

Ways libraries are using Pinterest :
  • Pinning book covers - It gives readers an easy way of selecting  books to read from a visual list
  • Reading list - Libraries can post reading lists to encourage reading
  • Showing off the library - A great way to attract new members to the library
  • Promoting library activities - It ensures patrons are aware  of upcoming events in the library
  • Sharing collections - Libraries can showcase their collections
  • Way to interacting with patrons - Pinterest  helps promote awareness to books, reading challenges, contests and events in the community.
  • Letting users know about new releases - Libraries can inform patrons of new releases that member may have been waiting for.
  • Assist with research - Libraries can post materials to assist patrons who need specific information and show cases libraries archives.
Pinterest is  a great tool that  can be used in a variety ways to make a library stand out and interact with their patrons.


Instagram is a free online program and social network that enables users to take photos using their smart phones. It allows you to put all sort of filters, effects on the images, hash tags and share photos with other users via the Instagram platform.

Ways Instagram can be used in libraries:
  • Libraries can show off their collection and surroundings.  Libraries can take photos of new releases ,bookshelves, and architecture.
  • Promote and publicise events and services. - Before an event a  library can share photos of event posters and staff preparing for the event to create  interest and excitement.
  • Show user what goes on behind the scenes of a library- A way to involve the patrons in the library and also provides an understanding of what  library staff  roles entail.
  • Introduce staff- Take photo of staff in their workplace to make libraries seem more friendly and approachable.
  • Marketing - Libraries can take photos of printed flyers and printed flyers turning them into in digital ones and posting  them  on Instagram to reach a greater audience.
Instagram is a social network platform through which libraries can share news, achievements and images of everyday life in a library to increase interest into the library.


Uploading is the process of moving digital data files such as photo and documents from your computer or camera and placing them on social media. Copyright is the legal term to describe a persons ownership of their work. It included things as photos, music, artwork and writing. The person who creates the work is the copyright owner.

The law assumes that the person who creates the work is the author of the work and has the only legal right to publish and copy the work. An unauthorised copy of a piece of work placed on a website or on social media is to be a copy right infringement.

Copyright restrictions on uploading vary between media sites. The social medias terms and conditions may change the right to the owners work. Some social media sites gives them the right to copy and use original work without the owners permission. For example sites such as Facebook. You Tube, Google, Twitter gives itself  the right to use anything that the original creator has uploaded or posted.

You need to read carefully the terms and conditions on the site you want to upload on before sharing your work. If you don't agree with the terms  you have option is to choose another site that will let you share your work without limiting your rights.

If a person or organization breaks the law the owner of the works has the option to sue you for using and copying their work without permission.


Social networks provides a great way of interact with people. It has given people the ability to express themselves freely. This is why we should be respectful and show courtesy at all times when using social media. This will make our social media experiences pleasant and allow for a more meaningful and positive engagement.

Tips to help maintain a pleasant social media experience:
  • Be respectful, genuine and credible
  • If you make a mistake, admit it and fix it quickly
  • Maintain confidentially. - Don't share any confidential, private or sensitive information through social media.
  • Do not use social media to vent anger.
  • Maintain your online presence. Having out-dated content on a social media page is more insulting that having no presence at all.
  • Avoid discrimatory, defamatory or derogatory remarks
  • Be nice.
Using social media in a professional manner (  ) don't alter just because you are using social media.  The same standard behaviour  expectations apply online as in real life.
The way you conduct yourself through your social networking is a reflection on you.